Saturday, February 28, 2009


I SAW ROCKHOPPER! On the server Hibernate!

He's a member?

Friday, February 27, 2009

Rockhopper, New Items, New Glitches, and New Pin

Hey guys,
First of all, Rockhopper is here (hurray!!) He brought the Treasure Map Backround.

He brought a secret item too!

There is also a glitch with the ship. It keeps switching from Migrator to Migrateur, the French word for Migorator and back

There is also a new pin at the iceburg. It is the O berry

Saturday, February 21, 2009

One Person, Many Many Forms

Hey guys, Yoccoldood here. I just want to say that I have a few penguins on CP. They are: Yocooldood, The Cube 123, Protoman514, and Aman10000.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Puffle Party

The Puffle Party has started. The free item is the old puffle bandanna in the cove

Also, in the lighthouse, you can get yourself painted

White Puffle!!!!!!!!!

It appears every half hour in the dojo courtyard during the puffle party!

Even NEW Login Screen & Member Party

Here is the new login screen that's been there since the member party. I haven't been posting for a while and am trying to catch up.

Here are pics of the member party. These were taken by my friend, Thomas83383. Click on the images to enlarge them.