Friday, July 10, 2009

A Post

Well, I haven't been posting in a while because, well, I haven't had anything to say really. But, today I have some new news, as well as some news that is old but still valid, and some news that you don't really need to know because the event has passed.

Well, I'll start with the recent news.

1. Ruby and the Ruby is back!!

Yayz. This is my favorite play. i'll have the secret items up shortly

2. The Music Jam will be coming back next Friday!

This is my second favorite party aside from the Fall Fair

Now for the old news.

1. The latest pin is in the Pool

It is the Lantern

Now for the old old news

1. Sensei came

He came, but I didn't find him, nor did many other penguins. If you found, leave a comment.

2. There were July 4th fireworks on the Mountain and Iceburg

Not as exciting as the Sensei coming.

Well, that's it for now, until next post!

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